Monday, September 30, 2013

Unit Blog Reflection

Unit Blog Reflection

In this unit I learned about...
In this unit, the main concepts that we covered included, inertia, newtons 1st law, equilibrium, net-force, speed, velocity, acceleration, and how to relate graphs and physics.

Inertia/Newtons First Law
Inertia lies mainly under the concept of Newtons 1st law. Inertia is demonstrated when objects in motion stay in motion, and objects at rest stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force (Newtons first law). Ultimately, Newton's first law defines inertia. However, one of the most important things to remember while answering problems that use these two concepts in the answer, is that neither are nouns. You cannot say this object stayed because it had inertia. Inertia and Newtons first law are reasoning/laws explaining why things happen. Also, mass is a measure of inertia. Objects with more mass will have more inertia.

Example Problems...

When someone quickly removes a tablecloth out from under a set of dishes, why do these dishes stay at rest?
The objects stay at rest because the force exerted from pulling the table cloth out from under them was not enough to move the dishes in such a quick amount of time. Therefore, inertia was demonstrated because objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

In a car, if you toss a coin up in the air, where will it land?
The coin will land directly back in your hand because it will stay in motion. While the car is still moving forward, the coin and other objects within are as well. We know this because of Newtons first law which states that objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

In this picture, a man is falling off of his bike. (obviously). However, while his bike stops, his body continues to move. We know this because of Newtons first law which states that objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

Net-force/ Equilibrium
Net-force is essentially all of the forces on an object. When something has a net-force, it means that it has acceleration and will be moving. Equilibrium is when something has a net-force of 0 newtons. Equilibrium occurs anytime a net-force adds up to 0 which includes when something is moving at a constant velocity, or when something is in rest.

What is force?

Force is a push or pull. It is measured in newtons.
1/4 Ib=1 N
Earth pulls down with 50N of gravity.

Example Problems...

A box is being pushed with 5N of force to the left, and 5N of force to the right. What is the net-force?

0 Newtons, the box is in a state of equilibrium.

A box is being pushed with a constant velocity with a force of 10 N. What is the force of friction between the floor and the box? How do you know this?
10 Newtons because when something is moving at a constant velocity it is in a state of equilibrium therefore will have a net-force of 0N. (no net-force). The force of friction must be equal to the force of the push.

NETFORCE=3N to the right.

Speed and velocity are  concepts that share multiple things in common. Speed and velocity are relatively the same, however, velocity requires direction. Therefore, if something is going at a constant speed it is also going at a constant velocity. However, if that object was to change directions while maintaining a constant rate, it would not have a constant velocity but would have a constant speed. If you change the direction, you change the velocity.
you measure speed most commonly by meters/second
velocity=acceleration x time
constant velocity=distance/time
you also use meters/second for velocity

Example problems...
What is the velocity of a boat that went 100 meters in 50 seconds?
v=2 meters/second

This cheetah has a high velocity because it is running in one direction very fast.

 here is our podcast on velocity.

Acceleration is a change in velocity. If something is accelerating it could be slowing down, speeding up, or changing directions. If something is in a constant velocity, it has no acceleration! If something is falling straight down, it will always have an acceleration of 10 meters per second squared.
Acceleration=change in velocity/time interval
units=meters per second squared
distance=1/2 acceleration x time squared

example problems...

An object is going down a ramp very rapidly, increasing every second by 2 m/s. What is the acceleratin of the object after 10 seconds? 
a=20m/s (squared)

If something is at a constant velocity, what is the acceleration?
no acceleration!

On new years eve in new york, the ball drops at midnight. What is the acceleration of that ball?
10 meters per second squared.

Equations of a Line
During our acceleration lab, we learned about how to convert our d=1/2at(squared) formula into an equation of a line.
Equation of a line...
How do we convert the acceleration formula into this?

What I found most challenging:
As shown in my quiz grades, there were certainly aspects of this unit that I found challenging. I think that what I found most difficult was learning when to use different formulas. Because speed, velocity, and acceleration are all such similar concepts, there equations are as well. I often mixed these up on quizzes, leading to poor quiz scores.
"we learn from our mistakes" is a quote everyone knows. This definitely applies to my physics because I learned from what I did wrong in each question I answered. I also sought extra help from Mrs. Lawrence and friends to drill in formulas and meanings. I think what made this click is going over and over and over problems until I learn how to do them correctly.

Problem solving skills, effort, and learning
Problem solving skills:
One of my biggest issues in science/math is memorizing how to do something instead of actually learning how to do it. I think that this problem has occurred a little in physics so far, however the questions that Mrs. Lawrence give us challenge me to the extent that my previous approach does not always work. The problems that we face challenge us to search for and apply all the concepts we have been learning. I think that through this, my problem solving skills have definitely improved in all areas possible.
I believe that in order to succeed in anything, effort needs to be presented consistently. In regards to homework, I think that I have put forth my best effort every night to complete the work, and understand it. I always try to engage in class and activities to further develop my understanding of concepts we learn. Also, I spend as much time as possible on my blog posts so that they makes sense, and help me and others reading them.
There has been significant improvement of my understanding of physics as we approach the test. I think that I have learned how to apply concepts we are taught to real life scenarios through our podcasts, and class activities. Through effort, I think that I will certainly continue to learn and understand much more!
Generally, I think that my self confidence as a student has increased. I feel more comfortable with the materials as we learn more and more about them. I collaborated very well with Jasira and Elise as we worked hard to complete a podcast on velocity. I look forward to growing more as a student in the next unit.

I was not really aware of my dramatic grade drop until recently. My once 94 has transformed dramatically into a threatening 82 on the verge of a C and hanging on desperately to the B range. Not only am I dissapointed in myself, but I was caught off guard. Obviously, I was not paying enough attention to Physics to allow my grade to drop so much. Because of this, I intend to be a much more physics prioritized student next semester. I think that what hurt me the most were quiz grades which I hopefully will not do as poorly on. I hope that I can bring my grade back up and also understand future material that is given to me!

PART B: Connections
On the first day of physics class, Mrs. Lawrence told us that she would only teach us things relevant to our lives. Because of this, I believe that everything we have learned so far can apply to out daily lives. I now know why car accidents can often be fatal, how various concepts that include speed and force work, and can differentiate concepts that I initially thought were the same, from each other. What is so engaging in physics, is its consistent relevance to everything we do.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Constant Velocity Vs. Constant Acceleration After Lab Blog Post

1) What was the purpose of this lab?
     I think that the purpose of this lab was to give us a visual explanation of how constant velocity and acceleration work, and also how they differ. Through the marble going down the flat table, we were able to see the consistency in constant velocity, and how the speed stays the exact same throughout the entire experiment. However, when the table was slanted, we saw how constant acceleration works, and how the marble consistently gained more and more speed. I think that Mrs. Lawrence's intent in giving us this lab was to obviously clarify our understanding of the concepts, but also show how constant acceleration and velocity can be applied to real life.

2) The difference between constant velocity and acceleration:
    Constant velocity occurs when something is going at a constant rate without changing directions. However, constant acceleration is when something is constantly gaining or decreasing speed, subsequently meaning a changing velocity.

3) What did you do in this lab?
    I actually did not do this lab because I was not in class. However, from the descriptions given to me, and the brief demonstration, I am able to come up with an answer that somewhat shows my comprehension of the lab process. The idea was that we were instructed to roll a marble down a table with the beat of a metronome and mark every second while it rolled. For the first part, constant velocity occurred, as the marks were for the most part evenly spaced. This demonstrated how constant velocity works and proved its consistency. For the second part, we slanted the table causing the marble to go slightly downhill as it rolled down. This showed constant acceleration because the marble consistently moved faster and faster.

4) What do the two have in common?
     From this lab, I realized that they both have in common the facts that they both deal with speed and consistency. Although they have differences (acceleration deals with speeding up and slowing down) they are both moving at constantly, even though in different ways.

5) Formulas:
    constant velocity=distance/time
    constant acceleration=change in distance/change in time

6) Graph comparison:
     The graphs slightly differed as the constant velocity line was straight where as the constant acceleration line was curved. The graphs served as recourses to visually see our data and better understand it. It also supported our data by giving us an organized output of our results. On both graphs, distance was represented in the y-axis, and time on the x-axis. The constant velocity data resulted in a perfect line as time increased, distance did as well. For acceleration, the x-axis represented time squared, and the graph differed as it created a curve, showing how distance increased rapidly.

7) Graph applied to lab:
     What I found very interesting about this lab was how we were able to apply our distance=1/2(acceleration x time squared) equation and transform it into an equation of a line. To an extent, it blew my mind a bit how math and science can relate so simply. This really helped me support my data as well as understand the concepts. It also made it easier to predict the velocity and acceleration in the future.

8) 3 most important things we learned:
    I think that the most important things we learned were that 1) constant acceleration always occurs in decreasing and increasing speed, 2) how to work with graphs that pertain to distance and time, and 3) how constant velocity can be applied to daily scenarios.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


I chose to share this video because I think it gives a very good explanation of what velocity and acceleration are. This video really helped me understand the concepts, particularly the formulas. The pictures and interesting video format makes the video entertaining and interesting. It also goes to further depths of these concepts than we have gone in class but I thought that this made me understand the two terms even further. It emphasized how position plays a role in the two concepts and how we can discover alot about them through their formulas. I know that this video helped me, and I hope that others find it as useful as I did.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Introduction to physics blog

1) What do you expect to learn in Physics this year?
    This year in physics, I would really like to gain a concrete understanding of what physics is and how it works. I think that physics is one of the most fundamental sciences, and remains present throughout the world around us everyday. I want to be able to apply what we learn to my life and be able to use my knowledge of physics to understand why things are what they are and how the world around me works. I would expect to learn formulas that can help me complete equations and learn how force, velocity, gravity, and acceleration all work. Through physics, we are able to discover so many things, and I think that it is crucial whether we want to be the next Isaac Newton or not, to understand basic physics so we have somewhat of an understanding of the world we live in.

2) Why do you think studying physics is important?
     I believe that it is important to study physics because it is present consistently throughout our daily lives. Physics plays roles in almost everything that happens in the world from why our feet stay planted to the ground to how planes fly. Physics is one of the most basic sciences, therefore understanding physics would subsequently lead to a better understanding of other sciences that I may take in the future. Being aware of our surroundings makes life more enjoyable and interesting, therefore learning physics is important.

3) What questions do you have about physics?
    Because I don't know very much about physics, I find it difficult to come up with questions about it. However, I really just want to have a deep understanding of what it is. Why is it that things happen the way they do? What is force in mathematical terms? How does math play a role in the subject of physics? How does physics relate to chemistry? How can I apply my skills in chemistry to physics? How does gravity work? Why is it that there is more gravity on planet earth than on the moon?

4) What goals do you have for yourself in physics this year?
     Most importantly, I would like to grasp a concrete understanding of what physics is and how it works. I want to be able to refer to it in my daily life, and use my knowledge of it to further understand scientific and realistic concepts in the future. I want to enjoy physics and be eager to learn it, and grow as a student and person through my knowledge and skills from the class.   I also want to maintain a 4-5 effort grade throughout the year as well as a grade within the A range.

This video was made by a high school student to explain Newtons first law of Inertia and show how it is exemplified in cars. Newtons 1st law states that objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. When someone gets in a car wreck, the car stops dramatically because most likely it has hit something or something has hit the car. Although the car stops, the person inside continues to move causing there body to slam into the walls of the car. This is why we have seat belts and other safety precautions. I chose this video because we use cars everyday, therefore this is very relative to our lives. If we were unknowing of Newtons First law, car accidents would be far more dangerous.

Hovercraft Blog 

A) Experience riding the hovercraft:
Riding the hovercraft was relatively simple. The momentum from being pushed was present, however it eventually transformed into a constant speed. I was skeptical before the experience, thinking that because of air resistance, friction, or mass, I would eventually slow down. However, the speed stayed consistent until I was physically stopped. If I were to speak to someone who has never ridden a hovercraft before, I would tell them to hold on tight because the stop can be very sharp. Newtons first law states that objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force, therefore the physical stop acted as an outside force. The hovercraft was unique in comparison to other forms of transportation, because friction was not present. Friction is why we slow down in other situations.

B) Inertia, netforce, equilibrium:
Although it is simple to learn about these three concepts through staring at a white board in class, the hovercraft made these lifeless terms become a reality. Inertia, which is practically Newtons first law, was proved when in the hovercraft because it remained in motion until acted upon by an outside force to stop. Netforce was present during the start and stop, however, once at a constant speed, netforce no longer existed because there were no forces acting upon the hovercraft. I also learned about equilibrium because once the hovercraft entered a consistent speed, it also entered a state of equilibrium.

C) What does acceleration depend on?
In this lab, acceleration depended mainly on mass. Those who weighed more may not have been pushed as hard, where as those who weighed less may have more momentum because they are easier to push.

D) Consistent velocity:
I would expect us to have a constant velocity once obtaining a constant speed. In this scenario, we had a constant velocity around halfway across the gym.

E) Why were some easier to stop?
Some were easier or harder to stop depending on mass. Those who weighed more, were more difficult to stop than those who weighed less.