Thursday, September 19, 2013


I chose to share this video because I think it gives a very good explanation of what velocity and acceleration are. This video really helped me understand the concepts, particularly the formulas. The pictures and interesting video format makes the video entertaining and interesting. It also goes to further depths of these concepts than we have gone in class but I thought that this made me understand the two terms even further. It emphasized how position plays a role in the two concepts and how we can discover alot about them through their formulas. I know that this video helped me, and I hope that others find it as useful as I did.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I liked about this post was that he gave you complete definitions of what you are learning along with examples, and that he said what you will learn by the end of the idea so you have stuff to look out for. This post was similar to my video because of how he describes things in a language that is challenging on one hand, and another language that is easy to understand. This was different from mine because mine did not give many visual examples such as clips. I can't really find a strong criticism point to give you besides keep up the good work and always know your audience, which you are doing a great job with!
